A path towards simplification

Almost any software needs installation on the target operating system. Maybe because of system dependencies, writing configuration to the registry, system startup registration, calling operating system APIs, and the like. Some applications are aggregates of many tools and libraries tied together into a product and are quite involved.

Testing tools are no exception. They can be complex because they consist of several components which perform different tests, reports, and test scenarios. They can test web, desktop, back-end, or mobile applications. And because of so many features, the user interfaces of those tools can get quite complex. In other words, the learning curve can be steep and usage challenging.

Beekn is Zero-install

At Beekn, we strive for simplicity, which means our Beekn tool is configured in the browser, downloaded, and run on Windows, Linux, or macOS. There is no installation, and no 3rd party dependencies are needed. Just download a single executable and run Beekn with configured tests—everything a Beekn needs is inside the executable.

Beekn is Zero-Code (codeless)

Beekn also works by the Zero-Code or Codeless principle, which means that a user of a Beekn does not need to know how to script or code a test. The user needs to know the content, the strategy, and a use case of a test. The user needs to have some basic knowledge about the back-end technology the application use. The tests can be configured and packed through the web application without coding. This way, Software, QA, and DevOps engineers with all backgrounds and skills can configure and use Beekn.

With the simplifications above, we think the range of Beekn usefulness is broader, even though it focuses on the back-end testing aspect. QA Engineers sometimes do not have coding skills (though we think they should have some scripting skills), and this approach is perfect for them. Also, quick prototyping or sharing your tests with your colleague is much easier that way.


Beekn offers a focused solution to test your application's back-end systems and does not require any scripting or programming skills. It comes as a Zero-Install package. This way, a tester can focus on designing the tests, learning about the application, finding bugs, and improving the product they test.